This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 3rd October - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: October 3rd 2022

This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 3rd October

Generic Gray's Farm

Week Beginning: 3rd October 2022


This week in Nursery, we shall continue our story topic of the Three Bears. During our group times the children will be sampling porridge and voting whether they like it or not. 

We shall be recapping on numbers and quantity to three,  for that extra challenge number and quantity to 10.   If you have any questions please see one of the Early Years Team. 


In Reception this week, the children are going to be sharing the story of Superworm and having a go at creating their own potions to stop Wizard Lizard! They are also going to be thinking about how to describe their favourite minibeast without naming it and using these clues to create a guessing game.  In Maths, the children will be learning the number bonds of 5 by investigating what two parts can be put together to make 5.


In English, we are going to look at a new class book and use our predictions what this book might be about. We are going to use main clauses punctuated correctly with capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. We will be planning the beginning, middle and end part of a recount in order to gather interesting vocabulary for our writing on Friday.

In Maths, we are going to look at the symbol ‘-‘ and what it means in a number sentence. We are going to use different strategies to solve subtraction number sentences. Towards the end of the week, we will be solving a mixture of addition and subtraction problems using the most effective method.

Thank you, The Year 1 Team


Year 2 will be learning how to divide using arrays ,after the success of this week's multiplication! In English, we are finishing the book 'The house that once was'. We will be locating our microhabitats in the wildlife area and learning what animals need to survive. 


This week in Year 3, we will be starting our 'Amazing Machines' DT project. We will explore existing products before designing our own and choosing resources ready to make next week.

In English, we will be continuing to read through the book 'Invisible' and using a range of conjunctions in our writing.

We will begin a new topic of division, this week in maths and will be using our known times table facts to help us.


In Year 4 this week, we will be moving on to division. We will be consolidating the children's previous learning by chunking using our multiplication facts.

In English this week, we will be finishing our narrative 'the Comet'. We will be consolidating our conjunctions knowledge and applying our previously learnt skills e.g. noun phrases and adverbs. 

Polite reminder: 

Year 4 will be going on their Science Walk on Friday 7th October. 

- Children can come in their PE Kits on this day.  

- Please bare in mind that it maybe muddy so please wear appropriate footwear. 

- Make sure your child is appropriately dressed for the weather e.g. coat if cold/ raining.

- Make sure they have water bottles. 


This week in Year  5, we are starting a new class book and using our creative writing skills to describe feelings, characters and settings. In maths, we will be continuing with our division practise and applying our new skills to solve multi-step and real-life problems. In science, we are beginning to study the parts of a plant in depth, looking closely at their function and the role they play in plant reproduction. 


In English, we will continue descriptive writing around the book 'The Promise'.

In Science, we will continue to look at classification keys to identify leaves.

In Geography, we will be taking a look at Orpington and the changes that have taken place over the years.



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