This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 14th November - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: November 14th 2022

This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 14th November

Generic Gray's Farm

Week Beginning: 14th November 2022


This week we shall continue our story topic of The Gruffalo. We will be going on a Gruffalo hunt using positional language as we go over, under, inbetween the logs and trees. There will be an opportunity to build up vocabulary around the nursery by using sensory trays, recipe cards and team building as we work together to build dens. As always please check the board outside the nursery gate for daily updates.


We will be continuing our topic on materials and homes using the book: The 3 Little Wolves and the Big, Bag Pig!  We will be completing a role play drama workshop with costumes to tell the story.

In Literacy we will be looking at the initial sounds and blended words to describe the Big Bag Pig! 

We will also use our phonics to take part in a cvc word hunt!

In Maths, we are continuing our ascent into number recognition by studying the number 7. The children will also begin to learn the separate parts which make up the number 7 using part, part whole models. 

In provision, we will be using collage materials within character portraits and Our Funky Fingers will be assembling split pin models of The story characters. 

PE day is Thursday for both classes and your child may come into school wearing their PE kits. 

Please make sure your child has their own water bottle to use throughout the day in class.

Lastly, can you please make sure the children have coats with them on arrival to school as they will still be accessing the outside provision areas throughout the winter months. 


In English, we are going to continue reading the story of Traction Man. Children will be using emotive language to describe his feelings. Towards the end of the week, children will be using main clauses to write a recount of the story.

In Maths, we are going to find our number bonds to and within 10 including concrete, pictorial and abstract representation. We will also be adding 1 digit numbers which bridge 10 ie. 7 + 4 = ? using counting methods.


Year 2 will be learning how to multiply and divide after our success last term! In English we will be continuing to use our skills in our writing. Our Science this week is learning about things that are non-living and never been alive. In History we will be looking at new explorers. 


In English we will be continuing to look at the book The Terribly Friendly Fox. Using our knowledge of fronted adverbials, we will be writing a letter in role as the fox.

Our maths lessons this week will be based on fractions. We will be looking at fractions of shapes and amounts.

Elsewhere in the curriculum we will develop our sketching skills and in RE we will learn more about the prophet Muhammad.


This week in English, we will be starting a new book linked to our History topic. Our learning outcome for the week will be to identify features of a newspaper report and to write our own newspaper report! 

This week in Maths, we will be moving onto time. We will be converting between minutes and hours and we will be practising reading and writing the time for analogue clocks. 


This week in Year 5 we are continuing with our work around fractions in our maths lessons. We will be identifying equivalent fractions, changing from to mixed number to improper fractions and solving real-life fraction problems. In English, we are learning how to use relative clauses to add information and will be continuing to learn about the world of The Goldfish Boy in our new class book. 

In science, we are investigating how friction affects the force required to move an object and we will be recording our results in a graph while, in history, we are learning how the city-states landscape influenced their ability to trade. 


This week, we will be starting our new book in English - The Executioner's Daughter, which is set during the reign of Henry VIII in the Tudor period. The book links to our History topic of Crime and Punishment. We will be empathising with our main character, Moss. In Science, we will be investigating how light can be broken into colours. 



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