This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 16th January - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: January 16th 2023

This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 16th January


Week Beginning: 16th January 2023


In nursery this week we are looking at how we keep ourselves warm through the winter months. We will be exploring what clothes are best at keeping us warm and dry, how exercise, food and drink play their part in keeping us warm. Please see the board outside the nursery for daily updates.



In Reception this week the children will be starting a new topic all around space! They will be exploring our solar system and discovering what astronauts do. They will have the opportunity to sample some real astronaut food! Linked in with this, the children will also be finding out about light and dark. In Maths, the children will be finding one more than a given number and exploring the number pattern of 'one more'.


In Maths, we are going to subtract a 1 digit number from a one or two digit number using concrete objects, drawing dots or using a number line. We are also going to add a 1 digit number to a one or two digit number. We will be solving world problems including additions and subtraction number sentences.

In English, linked to our Geography topic, we are going to look at the story of Katie Morag and her adventures around the Isle of Struay in Scotland. We will be using noun phrases to describe her and put them into main clauses. We are going to use conjunctions (and, because) to add more details to our sentences.


In Year 2, we will be starting a new book in English called 'Possum Magic'. In Maths, we will be multiplying and dividing. In Geography,we will be looking at the coast in the UK and we will be continuing our learning about Materials in Science.


In Maths this week we will be continuing to look at multiplication using the grid method. We will also be looking at division using the chunking method.

In English this week we will be reading the book 'Dangerous'. We will be developing our use of noun phrases in our writing.

In the wider curriculum this week, we will be focusing on our first European country France in Geography. We will be looking at different types of rocks within our Science lesson.


This week in Maths, we will be moving onto multiplication and division. We will be multiplying/ dividing 2 and 3 digit numbers by a 1 digit number while remembering to use our 6, 7 and 9 times tables knowledge. 

This week in English, we will be watching a short video clip. Our skill focus for the week will be subordinating conjunctions in the middle of our 2 clauses and also at the beginning of our sentence too! 


This week in Year 5, we are starting a new book for our English work, Windrush Child by Benjamin Zephaniah, and we will be exploring how to write effectively from someone else's perspective. In Maths, we will be continuing on with consolidating our formal methods of calculation, focusing on division. In Geography, we will be learning about Mexico while in Science we will be learning about soluble and insoluble materials.


This week, year six will be completing further scientific investigations. We will be trying to establish how to make our bulb brighter and dimmer. In Geography, we will be researching the largest of all of the South American countries - Brazil. During English last week, we learnt that 'Bear' had something tightly wrapped plastic around his front paw - a blue type of plastic.. Will April be able to help the poor injured creature? 



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