Parent Governor Opening - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: November 21st 2017

Parent Governor Opening


Together with the headteacher, the governing body has overall responsibility for the running of the school. Governors are involved in deciding school policies, allocating the school’s budget and appointing senior staff. No special qualifications are needed and the most important thing is to have a keen interest in the school and be prepared to play an active part in the governing body’s work. In order to support governors in their work, TKAT provides training for all governors at no charge to the individual.
All parents, guardians and carers of pupils attending the school are eligible to stand. If there are more nominations than places available an election will be held. Parent governors are elected to serve for a period between one and four years, though they may resign at any time.
Our joint governing body (with Royal Park) consists of:
One executive head teacher - ex-office
One associate head teacher - ex-officio
One head teacher - ex-officio
Two elected parent governors, (one from each school)
Two elected staff governors, (one from each school)
Six appointed/co-opted governors
Whilst specialist knowledge or relevant experience is useful, common sense and willingness to give time are key requisites. You do not need qualifications or professional skills to become a Governor. You can contribute as a Governor if you have experience of life and you:
- want to help to improve children’s educational attainment;
- want to contribute to the local community;
- want to work as part of a team and can value the contribution made by different people;
- are willing to ask questions;
- are open to ideas and willing to learn;
- have enthusiasm and commitment.
If you are interested in becoming a Parent Governor please complete the nomination form that went home on Monday (or contact the office for a form), ensure that it is countersigned by a proposer and return it to the Headteacher no later than Monday 4th December.
If an election is necessary all candidates will be contacted by 1pm on Tuesday 5th December. Candidates will be asked to provide brief statements (not exceeding 200 words) about themselves and a passport sized photograph. These must be at the school no later than Wednesday the 6th December as they will be distributed to voters along with the ballot papers.
I do hope you will consider standing as a governor or else nominating another parent/carer. If you would like more information about being a school governor, please contact another governor or myself for more information via the school office and I would be more than happy to meet with you to discuss any questions you may have.
Lesley Robins
Chair of Governors








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