Absences from school - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: December 13th 2017

Absences from school


We have asked by some parents to clarify the position on obtaining medical evidence if your child is unwell.

If your child is a persistent absentee, attendance under 90%, and is regularly absent then we can ask for medical evidence before authorising an absence as we feel that attendance this low is concerning and should be investigated further with a medical practitioner. Evidence could include a GP appointment card, copy of prescription, appointment letter or to show the office a bottle of antibiotics or an email appointment. If you regularly fail to notify the school to report your child’s absence, in line with the School Attendance Policy, we may also ask for this information.

If your child is a regular attender and you consistently call in to report absences, we will not require this information from you unless their attendance levels drops below 90%.

Please also note the following:

If your child has head lice, they can be treated and returned to school on the same day.

If your child has viral sickness and diarrhoea, temperature etc, please keep them away from school for 48 hours after the last episode of illness. If they are sick for any other reason which is not viral they may return the next day.

We hope this has clarified the position but please contact the school should you require any further information.




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