This week at Gray's Farm - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: February 19th 2018

This week at Gray's Farm



In Nursery this week we shall be starting our new story " In a minute mum " please go on to tapestry for a short summary of the story. There will with lots of activities to support children's education and  learning.

This week only we will be replacing Wellie Wednesday with Well being day, the nursery will be transformed into a sensory experience with soft lighting, soft music and lavender to help calm body and mind.
Thank you for your support.


Welcome back. This half term our Topic is Superheroes, and we begin with Supertato. We will be retelling the battle with Evil Pea in different ways. In Mathematics we are beginning to learn how to double numbers. Having mastered Phase 2 and 3 Phonics we are now starting to learn new sounds in Phase 5. This week our sounds are :ay (May I play?) ea (Cup of tea), ie (Fried pies) and ou (Shout it out). On Wednesday the whole school is taking part in a Wellbeing Day, and we are excited to take on the different challenges that will bring. We are looking forwards to hopefully seeing lots of Superworm costumes next week for World Book day too!


This term we will be learning all about Africa! We will be beginning to read the story ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’ and our writing this week will be all about African animals.
In Maths we will be consolidating our knowledge of addition and place value.


For our first week back, we will be looking at the climate of the rainforest! We will be writing letters and non-chronological reports! In maths, we are focusing on money and how we can add and subtract money mentally.


English: We are introducing a topic on using inverted commas (speech marks) to punctate speech accurately. We will incorporating this skill into our work on a new and exciting book, which we are keeping a secret currently!

Maths: It's time for time again! We are learning how to tell the time using the digital and analogue format.

Science: We are starting our topic on forces and magnets, where we will learn about a range of different forces and how they make things move or stop.

RE: We are doing RE this week which is focused on Christianity. We are discussing lent and it's significance to Christians and learning about Palm Sunday.


In Maths, Year 4 is going to compare numbers with the same number of decimal places up to 2 decimal place. We are going  to X/÷ a one/two-digit number by 10 and 100, identifying the value of the digits as ones, tenths and hundredths .
Also, we are going to add/subtract numbers with up to 3 and 4 digits using the formal written methods.

In English we will be developing our story planning and writing skills. We will be using features such as fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrased and adverbs as well as using accurate punctuation to mark clauses and speech.


In English we will be writing Mars exploration stories using our writing skills to create atmosphere.

In maths we will be looking at square, cubed and prime numbers.

In Topic, we are looking into Sikh festivals.


Year 6 will be using the features of non-fiction texts to create fact sheets about the Chinese zodiac. In science, we will be starting our new topic of Evolution and Inheritance.



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