This week at Gray's Farm - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: February 26th 2018

This week at Gray's Farm



We shall be continuing our theme on dinosaurs, we will be exploring where they lived, what they ate and looking at a few old fossil bones.

We will continue our work on number and quantity, for example 8 dinosaurs represent number 8.

Wellie Wednesday will continue so please ensure you provide Wellington boots if you have not done so.

Thursday  1st March is World book Day and our book is Dear Zoo. If you are not familiar with the story you can check it out on YouTube, Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell.  Children are invited to dress in animal costumes or wear face paints. 

Again thank you for your support.


This week Reception are continuing with the topic of Superheroes, and beginning a two week block on Superworm.  We are learning the following Phase 5 phonemes: oy (a toy for a boy), ir (whirl and twirl), ue (Sue has a blue tissue),aw (yawn at dawn) and wh (Who what when where why).

In Mathematics, we are beginning our work on length, and will be measuring with non- standard units. Thursday is World Book Day, and we can't wait to see the children in character!


In Maths we will be revistiting addition and subtraction and will be solving related word problems. We will also be focusing on recognising the correct symbol for addition/subtraction in number sentences.

In English we will be continuing our work on the story of ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’. We will be writing a character description, as well as rewriting the story and thinking about how to improve our writing.


In English next week we will be writing our very own wolf stories, we will create good and bad wolf characters based on the books we have read and traditional tales that we know. Our Maths is focusing on adding and subtracting on number lines.


English: Identifying he features of newspapers report. Then writing our own newspaper reports based on our story 'Little Red Riding Hood was Rotten'. Thursday's English will be based on 101 Dalmatians as part of World Book Day.

Maths: Adding and subtracting money and multiplying and dividing by 4 and 8.

Science: An investigation into friction and it's effect on objects.

Topic: We are starting our Volcanoes and Earthquakes topic. We are identifying the features of the Earth and volcanoes and finding out why volcanoes explode.


Maths: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

English: Treasure Island, focusing on inverted commas, fronted adverbials and expanded noun phrases


In English, we are diary writing around Dick King Smith’s book ‘The Sheep-Pig’.

In maths, we are looking at operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) by solving word problems and using chunking to divide with decimals.

In topic, we begin our learning on rivers and floods and in science, we will be learning more about our solar system.


In year 6 we will be problem solving in maths. In English, we will be writing news reports and we will be studying geographical similarities and differences in a region of the UK to a region of China.



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