This week at Gray's Farm - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: May 8th 2018

This week at Gray's Farm



Parents we shall still continue our topic on Supertato.  There has been a lot of learning/ role play and language coming out of our new theme.

Please can we ask you to bring in one large potato for the children to decorate their very own 3D model on Thursday 10th May.

On Friday 11th May,  we will be having a Supertato party. The children are invited to come into nursery wearing Super hero/Supertato costumes, please make them as inventive as possible, you do not need to go out and buy expensive things just some fabric for cape and a mask or face paints if your child prefers.

Thank you for your support


Remember Monday is a Bank Holiday, so we will have a shortened week on "In a deep, deep cave, " in which we will be using describing words. We will be thinking of the contrast between light and dark. In Phonics we continue to recap all taught sounds and read more high frequency words by sight. We are starting a new topic in maths: Number bonds of 10. Please help us work out two numbers that add together to make 10.


In Maths we will be revising fractions with a focus on the whole, half and quarter of shapes and numbers.

In English our work we will be based around Where the Wild Things Are. We will be writing descriptions of the character and settings.


This week, year two will be writing letters in English. After learning about the horrific conditions Victorian children worked in, we are going to write letters to the children’s bosses to request change! In maths, we are going to be telling the time and finding fractions of shapes and amounts.


English: Year 3 are focusing on a non-chronological report based on a sea creature from their book 'Oliver and the Seawigs'.

Maths: This week our Maths topic is measure. We will be focusing on capacity(ml/l) and mass (kg/g) where we will be comparing, adding and subtracting. If parents have plastic drinks bottles at home, we would like to use them for our maths lesson on Tuesday

Science: We will be looking at patterns in the way that shadows change in size.

Curriculum: We will be creating our death masks that we designed for our topic Ancient Egyptians.


Year 4 are working on:

English – Writing narrative with consideration for purpose (how to create suspense).
Maths – Ordering decimals and finding fractions of money.


In English, we will be writing fact files.
In maths, we are concentrating on solving word problems.
In topic, we continue learning about Victorian medicine and in science, the life cycle of a butterfly (our caterpillars are getting bigger!)


This week in year 6, we will be writing to create atmosphere and will be continuing to revise for our SATs.



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