This week at Gray's Farm - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: September 10th 2018

This week at Gray's Farm


Week Beginning 10th September 2018


We would like to wish a warm welcome to all our new Reception children and parents to Grays Farm. We are very excited to be working with you all this year!

Our topic for this term is People who help us and we will be learning about different people in our community. This week we will be focusing on the children settling in to school, becoming familiar with our school rules and routines as well as important faces in and around their new school.

We would also like to remind you that your child will be receiving a tapestry profile by the end of the week so please make sure you have provided us with an email address so we can share their learning with you.

We look forward to teaching your children!


After a very successful week of settling in, the Reception team are very much looking forward to beginning full days with the bright and confident children in Reception!

We wanted to send a polite reminder to our parents are to please put names on water bottles and uniform to prevent any lost items.

Also, could you please ask your children choosing a dinner option what they would like before they come in.

Thank you,
Reception Team


Continuing with our Topic of Toys-Bears, we will be working up towards re-writing the story of This is the Bear. In phonics we are recapping all sounds taught in Reception. Our maths focus this week is on using the correct vocabulary such as more than, less than to compare values. Our PE days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Your child can continue to read the traditional book which they choose daily, at home, or the online copy in the Bug Club. They could even do both! Every Thursday our assembly is a celebration of home reading, with stickers awarded to those who read regularly.


In Year Two this week, we will be partitioning numbers into tens and ones and representing them in different ways.

Our English focus will be on main clauses and making sure they include capital letters, end marks and no missing words.


English: we are going to sharpen our basic skills on what makes a sentence a great sentence.

We are going to look at different word classes (adjectives, nouns and verbs).
Towards the end of the week, we are going to expand simple main clause sentences with better adjectives, varied verbs and conjunctions.

Maths: It is TIME to shine! We are going to tell and write the time from analogue clocks for 12-hour only.

Also, we are going to know the number of days in each month, year and leap year.


In Year 4 we will be:

Maths: Looking at place value, ordering numbers, multiplying and dividing by 10 & 100
English:  In our writing we will be using noun phrases, expanded noun phrases and conjunctions.


In maths, we continue to look at place value and Roman Numerals.

In English, we will be working on sentence structures and description.

In geography, we will be locating countries and identifying continents using maps.


This week in year 6 we will be locating world countries on a map and identifying the importance of food banks.



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