REMINDER: Parent Governor Vacancy - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: January 31st 2019

REMINDER: Parent Governor Vacancy


Dear Parents/Carers,


We currently have a vacancy for the position of Parent Governor at Gray’s Farm.


As a Parent Governor you are invited to attend 6 meetings during the school year. These will be focused on teaching and learning as well as finance and premises.


If you wish to nominate yourself for this role please fill in the slip below and return by Friday 15th February. If we receive more than one nomination, a ballot will be held and all parents will be eligible to vote.


As you are aware we share a governing body with Royal Park Primary Academy and Parent Governors will attend meetings of the Joint Governing Body.


If you have any questions about becoming a parent Governor or the process I will be happy to answer them for you.


Yours faithfully

Miss N Furneaux


Download Parent Governor Application Form



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