This week at Gray's Farm - WB 25/03 - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: March 25th 2019

This week at Gray's Farm - WB 25/03


Week Beginning: 25 March 2019


This week we will be reading the story of “The Worried Hen” We will be looking at the life cycle of a chicken, where would you find them, what they lay?

During this time we will be linking our Easter events. The children will be looking for clues to find hidden numbered eggs around the garden. Please ensure you check the board outside the nursery for more updates.


This week in Reception we are planting some different seeds! We will be exploring how plants are changing over time!

Our English focus for this week is how to write a story! We will trying to rewrite Jack in the beanstalk using our own ideas!

In Maths we are starting a new concept: doubling! We will be trying to understand what doubling means and how we double numbers up to five (and maybe even beyond)!
A polite reminder that the phonics workshop is on Wednesday 27th March at 9.15am.
We look forward to seeing you there!


In Maths we will be continuing our work on money. We will be adding coins and finding totals. We will then work out which coins we can use to pay for different items.

In English we will be learning that proper nouns eg place names, people’s names, special days - begin with a capital letter and we will be applying this in our writing.


In English, Year Two will be starting our new book ‘Toys in Space’! We will be designing our own aliens in art and creating fact files about them. In maths, we will be looking at pictograms and bar charts to retrieve information.


In English, we are going to use non-chronological organisational features to write instructions. First, we are going to look at how to mummify a body linked to our History topic. Also, how to make a magic magnetic pyramid linked to our Science topic.

In Maths, we are going to use halving to divide by 4 and 8. Towards the end of the week, we are going to learn a new method- chunking- to divide.




In English, we will be looking at how to build cohesion within and across paragraphs as well as demonstrating our geography knowledge through extended writing.

In maths, we revise measuring and drawing angles and look at symmetry/reflection and translation.

We will also be completing our reading and maths termly assessments at the beginning of the week.

As Spring approaches, we are learning how to dance around the Maypole and hope to showcase this once we have mastered it!


This week in year 6, we will be completing our final SATs  practise before sitting the real ones in May. In History, we will be continuing with our work on the Shang Dynasty.



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