This week at Gray's Farm - WB 29/04 - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: April 29th 2019

This week at Gray's Farm - WB 29/04


Week Beginning: 29 April 2019


The children will continue to look at different dinosaurs, their habitat  and what they ate.

We shall be comparing and looking at size, weight and length both inside and outside the nursery.

The children will explore a dinosaur dig and hunt for dinosaur eggs.

We have enjoyed sharing on tapestry what the children have been exploring at home, please continue to share.


In Reception this week we will be learning more about our solar system. We will be comparing the other planets to Earth and learning more about our own planet.

In English we will be practicing our story writing and  rewriting the story of "Whatever Next". We will be using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

In Phonics we are continuing with phase 4 and slowly moving on to phase 5.

The children are using learnt sounds to write words in their own way, as they say it and hear it.


In Maths Year 1 will be adding and taking away using a number line and a 1-100 square.

In English we will be learning about compound words (words made up of 2 or more words). We will be including these when writing posters and letters.


In English, we will be researching Victorian children's jobs in English and using our conjunction knowledge to write about how danger this was for them! In Maths, we will be adding and subtracting using our dienes and partitioning our tens and ones.


In Maths, we are going to add and subtract 3 digit numbers using the compact method.

In English, we are going to explore how to use speech accurately in our writing.


In English, we are focussing on specific skills for each child to support individual progress.

In Maths we will be learning to multiply and divide 2 and 3 digit numbers.

In science, Year 4 will begin this term's topic about electricity by identifying electrical appliances and identifying different types of electricity.


Year 5 will be writing about our new book, Skellig, in English. We will be writing letters as the different characters using modal verbs as well the other skills we have learnt so far in Year 5.

In Maths, we will be learning about scaling and ratio as well as recapping multiplication, using column method, and extending our knowledge of division through a new method.

We will be learning about the Victorian's discoveries in History and will be creating our own Haka in PE!


This week in Year 6, we are preparing for the upcoming SATs and will be creating our own investigation in science to prove that light travels in straight line.



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