This week at Gray's Farm - WB 03/06 - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: June 3rd 2019

This week at Gray's Farm - WB 03/06


Week Beginning: 03 June 2019


Nursery will be focusing on the story of the Rainbow fish. We will be exploring what it means to share and be kind, looking at life forms under the sea and experimenting with colours,  please see board outside nursery for daily updates


Welcome back to our parents and carers! This is the final term of this academic year but we still have such an action packed few weeks left!

In English we will be continuing our journey in the world of dinosaurs and encouraging the children with making clear sentences and concentrating on handwriting also.
In Maths we will be securing number knowledge up to 20, whilst also furthering our understanding of doubling and halving.

A polite reminder to parents and carers that as the weather does get warmer, we do encourage the children to come in with water bottles and sun hats. Sunglasses are also permitted.


In English Year 1 will be revising using verbs ending with ‘ed’ and ‘ing’, and how this changes the meaning.

In Maths we will be revising place value. The children will revise how many tens and ones in a 2 digit number, and they will write an addition for 2 digit numbers eg 37 = 30 + 7. They will use their knowledge of place value to choose coins to pay for different items.


Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely half term. In English this week, we will be starting a new book with a focus on descriptive writing. In Maths this week, we will be looking at statistics; with a focus on tally charts, pictograms and bar charts. Polite reminder, please remember the deadline for school trip payment and permission is via the School Gateway by Friday 7th June. Any problems, please see your child's class teacher.


In Maths, we are going to revise place value and time. We are going to look at how to estimate numbers on a number line and also how to read and write numbers up to 1000.
Towards the end of the week, we are going to read and write time and calculate duration of real life problems.

In English, we are going to focus on a new book. Using subordinate clauses, we are going to describe feelings and emotions while writing a letter and a diary entry.


In English - homophones and using the correct tense.

In Maths -  Solve number and practical problems that involve all elements of Place Value/Number covered throughout the year, with increasingly large positive number
- Ordering decimals in the context of money
- Halving odd numbers and understanding where 0.5 is on a number line and how it relates to 1/2


Year 5 are starting the half term revising our place value knowledge, in Maths, including ordering and rounding decimals. In our English, we will be starting some writing about "Robot and the Butterfly" continuing with our pattern of :Skills - Big Write lessons as well as learning the new Year 5 spellings.

In History, we will be beginning to learn about the history of the railways in Victorian times. Our Science lesson will be looking at the lifecycle of a butterfly as we are expecting the arrival of the caterpillar eggs! 

Alongside this, for World Environment day (Wednesday 5th June), we will be making butterfly feeders! Can you send in any jam jars (with lids) or plastic plates / our container lid (ice cream lid) for our craft? The link below shows you what we will be making!


This week in Year 6, we will be taking a journey through British history to discover how crime and punishment has changed throughout the ages.

In maths, we will be creating our own arithmetic tests and answer sheets.



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