This week at Grays' Farm - W/B 02/12 - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: December 2nd 2019

This week at Grays' Farm - W/B 02/12


Week Beginning: 02 December 2019


Our story this week is about “The Ginger Bread man”. Using story sacks to encourage language and discussions.

We will be learning to order 1st, 2nd 3rd and so on. We will be exploring different sizes. The children will be trying a science experiment, to find out what would happen if the gingerbread man had gone into the stream?  This helps children to make predictions and test out their findings.

Please continue putting your observations on Tapestry so we may share them with the children.


This week in Reception we will be continuing to revise our phonics sounds and learning the new sounds x, y and z. We will be continuing to learn tricky words and introducing the new words my and was. For our maths learning we have a special visitor (a naughty elf) who is going to be helping us use positional language. The children will have to try and spot where he is in the classroom each day and then describe his position! 

We will be doing lots of nativity practise this week ready for the show next week so please make sure your child’s costume is in school. The performance to Reception parents will be on TUESDAY 10th DECEMBER. The children will also have performances on the 9th and 11th of December. 

Finally, if you did not attend the phonics workshop last week and did not receive a pack of resources, please ask a member of the team and they can provide you with one. Thank you to all those who attended and especially those who provided feedback - it was our best turn out yet and we hope you found it useful! 


This week, Year 1 are learning all about 'Moz the Monster'. They will be writing noun phrases about Moz which will in turn help the children write a character description about 'Moz the Monster'. In Maths, we will be learning to divide. We will begin by sharing an amount between a number of people. 


In Maths this week, we will be moving on to measure. We will be focusing of capacity, measuring and comparing measures accurately.

In English this week, we will be finishing our book "Dougal's Deep-Sea Dive" and writing an alternative ending, using our skills knowledge.


In English Year 3 will be consolidating skills they have been learning this term.~

In Maths we will be looking at measure, focusing on mm, cm and m.


This week in Year 4, we are going to be exploring shapes! We will be learning about their properties and sorting them using a range of graphs.

In English, we are exploring Roman myths and we will be writing our very own versions! We have to use the techniques of a typical myth, such as mystical beasts, great description and of course our myths need a hero!

This week is our Christmas bazaar, we would love it if the children could bring in any donated sweets or toys!

As always, if there is anything you would like to ask, please don't hesitate to ask a member of the team!


Maths: we are going to be identifying the different types of angles. How to measure angles and how to draw them. 

English: We will be doing writing based on a book called 'Rain Player' based on our history topic The Mayans.


This week in Year 6, we will be identifying how to repair a broken circuit in science and will be learning about crime and punishment in the Victorian times.



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