A letter from Mr Bianchi - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: September 9th 2020

A letter from Mr Bianchi


Dear Parents/Carers,

Welcome back and, on behalf of TKAT, thank you for all the support you have given the school during lockdown and in the subsequent reopening this September. It has been a challenging time for everyone.

I am writing to inform you that, after 7 years as head teacher at Gray’s Farm, Nicola Furneaux has been appointed as a Primary Director within TKAT from January 2021. She will remain as head teacher until that time and whilst a change of headteacher can be unsettling, she will be focussed on ensuring that the school continues to provide the high standard of education that you, as parents, would expect.

During her time as head teacher, she has led the school from special measures to a position of strength and this would not have been possible without amazing parents, pupils, staff and governors.

TKAT and the governing body are determined to ensure that we appoint the best possible person to take on the headship of the school and continue the school’s successes and as such, there will be a robust recruitment process taking place over the coming term. Rest assured that everyone involved wants stability and excellence for the school.

Yours sincerely,

Gianni Bianchi (Primary Director for TKAT City)



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