Parents' Evenings - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: October 13th 2021

Parents' Evenings

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As is normal for this time of year, we are planning our parents’ evenings for the autumn term. However, following on with the previous format due to restrictions that were recently imposed, all of our meetings will take place over the phone during the course of a week.

Your child’s class teacher will arrange a convenient time with you, but in the meantime, please can you ensure that the school office has your most up to date telephone number and that you confirm this with your child’s teacher. Each parent will be assigned a ten minute time slot as usual, so you can imagine how important it is that you pick up the phone at your assigned time. Unfortunately, we will need to stick to a strict schedule and therefore, may not be able to call back. If this is the case, you are welcome to arrange an alternative discussion with your child’s class teacher at a later date.

For those of you with children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, your parents’ evening will take place on either Monday 18th or Tuesday 19th October. Those of you with children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6, yours will take place on either Wednesday 20th or Thursday 21st October. You will be able to book appointments directly with your child’s class teacher from Wednesday 13th October.

Many thanks for your continued support in making these important occasions work, even in these challenging times.



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