This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 18th October - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: October 18th 2021

This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 18th October


Week Beginning: 18th October 2021


In the run up to the half term the children will be involved in lots of  fun activities based around the story "We're going on a Pumpkin Hun".

We shall be learning about colour, shape, size and prepositions.The children will have the opportunity of carving out pumpkins with adults at Forest School plant some seeds and leave the pumpkins as feed for the wildlife.

More information is available on the board outside the nursery gate.


In Reception this week it is DT week and we are going to be designing and making our own sock puppets! The children will be thinking about what they want their puppet to look like and how they can attach the features and decorations. IN Maths, we will be looking at 2D shapes. We will be naming common 2D shapes, such as circle, triangle, square and rectangle, and looking at some other 2D shapes such as pentagon, hexagon, heptagon and octagon. We will also be finding out about their features and how we can describe them, for example how many sides or edges they have, how many corners or vertices.


This week is DT week and we are going to sew a hand puppet alien. We are going to design our alien and write main clauses about him/her during English lessons. We will also evaluate our puppets and talk about what went well and what we could do better next time.

In Maths, we are going to look at the value of each digit in numbers up to 20. Towards the end of the week, we are going to solve addition and subtraction number sentences.


Wow - where have the last 8 weeks gone? 

Here is what we're doing in our final week:

Writing: This week in English, we will be doing our Curriculum Writing for Science and Geography. In our Geography writing, we will be writing riddles for our friend to guess the continent that we are writing about with clues linked to the equator, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere and the weather. We will also be writing a postcard to our family telling them about our trip to our chosen continent using the facts we have been learning about. What continent would you like to visit and why? In our Science writing, we will be writing instructions on how to take care of our plants linked to our recent Science Investigation. 

Maths: This week in Maths, we will be looking at our fractions and our focus will be on halves and quarters. We will be finding halves and quarters of shapes and numbers also.

This week is DT week! The children will be planning, sewing and evaluating their work. Keep your eyes peeled for your child's finished pieces on Friday! 

If we don't see you, we hope you all have a lovely half time and we will see you on Tuesday 2nd November 2021. 


This week in year 3, we will be learning how to use chunking to divide. The children will do a variety of practice questions, then use their skills and apply it to word problems. 

In English, we will be writing our own ending to 'The Terribly Friendly Fox.' The children will be using all their taught skills from this term and applying it to their story. 


This week in Maths, Year 4 will be using chunking to divide two digit amounts and dividing amounts by 2, 4 and 8 by halving.  In English, we will be recapping some of the grammar skills we have been working on and applying them to written tasks.  In the afternoon, we will be having fun in our DT sessions.


This week in Year 5, we are practising our compass reading skills orienteering around the school. We are very excited to be starting a new DT project and we are looking forward to finishing our class book as well as completing our geography and science work with a wonderful trip to the Greenwich Observatory.


This week, we will be starting our D.T project. We will be designing, making and evaluating a bag. Our main task will be to consolidate our sewing skills. 

In literacy, we will be completing our story on The Spider and The Fly. 



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