This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 6th June
Week Beginning: 6th June 2024
This week in nursery our topic will be our home town. We will be look at the environment we live in e.g home, school, parks and the river cray.
In maths we will be looking at 3D shapes and learning their names and we will continue to practice our phonic sounds.
We hope you enjoyed some good family time and we welcome you all back for a very busy last half term in Reception Class.
Our new topic is based on a story called 'Fatou, fetch the water'. The story is set in the smallest country of Africa, The Gambia. It contains a selection of facts about the culture and traditions that we will be exploring. In maths we shall be revisiting number bonds to 5 as subtraction facts and revisiting number bonds to and within10. Please can you support your child at home to practise these, using objects if needed.
Please see the board outside reception for more information about upcoming events. And even though the summer holidays are fast approaching and the end of the school year is not far away, please make sure that your child attends school on every day possible and try to avoid taking holidays in school time. Every day of learning counts! Thank you for your continued help and support with this
To celebrate Earth Week, Year 1 are reading the story Somebody Swallowed Stanley to focus and highlight the dangers of polluting the ocean. In Maths we will be doing lots of work on Place Value and continuing to practice counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
Please remember our PE days are Monday and Tuesday.
Year 2 are going to be learning about different graphs in Maths. In English, we are going to be writing about the lifecycle of a plastic bottle. In History we will be starting our topic about a local historical building and in Science we are learning what animals and humans need to survive.
Welcome Back Year 3, we hope you've had a lovely break. This week in English we will be starting our new book 'Space Band'. We will also be gearing up for our school trip by beginning our topic of The Tudors. In maths we will be going over some content that came up in our tests before the half term so we will be looking at a range of skills. Please remember to read at home every night and bring your reading record in to school each day signed.
Welcome Back - we hope you had a lovely, restful half term break!
This week is Earth Week! In English, we will be reading 'One Plastic Bag' linked to Earth Week. We will be focusing on subordinating conjunctions at the start of our sentence and remembering our comma to separate our clauses.
This week in Maths, we will be recapping on our place value knowledge. We will be focusing on comparing and ordering decimal numbers but in a money context.
Our topics for this half term:
History: The Stuarts: Who was the better Monarch?
Science: How do we hear sound?
RE: Is there evidence of a God?
PE Days: Wednesday (outdoor with Mr Morris) and Friday (indoor with class teacher).
This week all of our work will be themed around the Earth and sustainability. We will be using waste and plastic recycling statistics to round and order decimal numbers, solve real-life problems involving all four operations. In English, we will be using the text "One Plastic Bag" as a writing stimulus. We are looking forward to starting our new history and science topics.
This week in year six, we will be learning all about Rainforests and where they are situated in the world. During English, we will be looking at the problem with single use plastic and the negative effects this has on our planet. We will be writing an information text on plastic and also writing a persuasive letter to a company to cut down on the excessive use of plastic.