This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 21/02 - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: February 22nd 2022

This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 21/02


Week Beginning: 21st February 2022


We hope you enjoyed your half term with your families. 

For the next few weeks we are going to look at our community and the people who help us, so we will kick off with looking at the role of our amazing fire fighters and the work they do at keeping us safe. 

Please check  the board outside the nursery gate for daily activities and how you can work with the Early Years Team to support your child. 


This week in Reception the children are going to be starting a new topic of 'Our Bodies' where they will be learning and labelling parts of the body that they do not already know. They will also be thinking about good hygiene for our teeth and how to care for them in the best way. In Maths the children will be continuing to look at addition but this time by counting on from the first amount or group rather than having to count all of the objects.


Welcome back! We hope you had a well deserved break. This week, in English, we will be extending main clauses with conjunctions, exploring noun phrases and writing a descriptive piece of writing, using the story of ‘The Storm Whale’ as our writing prompt. In Maths, we will be working on place value, using vocabulary to compare less than and more than of quantities, moving on to addition by the end of the week. This half term our P.E days will be on Wednesday and Friday. 


Maths: We are looking again at money, focusing this time on adding coins and comparing amounts of money. 

Writing: This week we are recapping on noun phrases and expanded noun phrases. We are also planning, writing and editing our own stories. 

PE is now on a Tuesday (indoor with class teachers) and Thursday (outdoor with Mr Morris). 

We hope you have had a lovely half term. 


This week year three will be looking at direct speech and how we can use it within our writing. We are also very excited to be starting our new topic, The Stone Age. 


This week in Maths, Year 4 will be ordering and comparing decimal numbers up to two decimal places.  In English, we will be working on subordinating conjunctions.  We will be linking our English lessons to our History topic The Romans.


This week in Year 5, we will be writing using a book as a stimulus. We are refining our calculation skills in maths using formal and mental strategies. In history, we will be beginning our topic looking at the anglo-saxons and the viking invasions. 


In English we will be writing our own story based around a boy who loved burgers and nothing else. This links to our DT week. 

In History, we are beginning our new topic on WWII. We will be learning what caused the start of the war. 



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