This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 7th November - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: November 7th 2022

This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 7th November

Generic Gray's Farm

Week Beginning: 7th November 2022


Our new story topic will be based around the story of The Gruffalo.

Children will be retelling the story through repetition and immerse themselves as the characters within the story.

We shall be learning about woodland animals and extending this as we reintroduce  Forest School (please ensure your child has wellington boots).

If you have any questions please let one of the Early Years Team know.


We will be starting our topic on the story of 'The Three Little Pigs'.

We are going to be learning and acting out the story in detail. 

In order to learn more about each other and our differences, we will be talking about the different types of houses people live in. 

If possible, we would like you to send your child in with a photo of the front of your house. 

In Maths, we are going to be investigating the Number 6! We will be practising using mathematical language ie: part, whole. Also, manipulating objects to understand the physical amount of 6. 

In creative play, the children will be using different laterals to design and make their own houses, investigating which materials are best for building houses.

PE will be on Thursday so your child may wear their pe kit to school on this day. 

Please make sure your child has a water bottle. This can only be filled with water, no juices or milkshakes please. 


In Maths, we are going to count in 2s, 5s and 10s using manipulatives to support. We are also going to solve 1-step problems using pictorial methods.

In English, we are going to look at the story of Traction Man. We are going to gather noun phrases describing different scenes from the story and also putting them into main clause sentences. We are going to act out part of the story thinking about our face expressions and feelings/emotive language to be used. Towards the end of the week, we will be planning and writing a recount of Traction Man saving his friends.

As our History topic is all about toys, could we kindly ask you to send in on Tuesday 8th November one of your child/children's favourite toys in a named carrier bag? They will have the opportunity to talk about it to their classmates (why it is special to them, how it moves, what it does, what material it is made of, etc.). We will keep the toys until the end of the week, so please make sure it is a toy that is not going to be missed during the week.


In Year 2, we are going to be working on our addition and subtraction skills in Maths. In English, we will be learning about the Remembrance Sunday. We will be continuing our learning about Explorers in History and in Re, we will learning more about the Jewish faith.


Our focus this week in maths is 'Time'. We will be looking at the 24 hour clock and telling the time on an analogue clock.

In English we’re looking at the book the Piano and the bear and using adverbs within our writing!

In other areas, we will begin to look at the Ancient Egyptians and begin our topic on Islam.


This week in year 4, we will be continuing with the 'Wishgranter' video. Our skill focus will be fronted adverbials. We will be planning and writing an alternative ending to the the story. 

In Maths, we will be focusing on measure. We will be looking at converting different measures e.g cm to m and we will also be looking at area/ perimeter. 


This week in English we are starting a new class book called 'Goldfish Boy'. We will be focusing on improving our cohesion in our writing, examining how authors link ideas across paragraphs. In Maths, we will be looking at fractions, focusing on how to draw or write equivalents across the same or different denominations.

In History, we are continuing our learning about the Maya by evaluating their city-states. In Science, we are creating an investigation to learn about the effects of gravity.


This week, Year Six will be taking part in their first mock SATs week. The tests will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We know all of the children will be amazing. In science, we will be looking at how shadows are formed.



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