Year 3 WOW Day - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: November 17th 2022

Year 3 WOW Day

Wow day


To consolidate our learning in History, Year 3 will be having their Ancient Egyptian WOW day on Tuesday 6th December 2022. Without giving away too many surprises, the day will involve the children taking part in a range of activities linked to their learning about Ancient Egypt and we would like to invite parents to join us in the main hall at 2:50pm (please do not arrive before this time) for us to share with you some of our learning about the topic.

The children are welcome to come into school dressed as Ancient Egyptians on this day, however this is optional and we do not require you to spend money buying expensive outfits. For those without costumes, we will endeavour to find something to make them feel part of the day. If your child does choose to dress up, please make sure that clothing is suitable for the school environment, for example midriffs should be covered, no open toed shoes and costumes that they are able to move in safely at playtime and lunchtime.   







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