Homework - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: May 24th 2021



We are coming towards the end of another term and are looking forward to our final stretch of the academic year. To best prepare the children for the next school year we will be reintroducing homework, beyond the reading that we have been doing.

Reading on a daily basis makes such a significant impact on a child’s life, so this is our number one priority for homework. We would expect your child to read for at least fifteen minutes every day. We also know that children benefit significantly from hearing stories being read to them as well, so story time is incredibly powerful.

We will expect your child to continue to read on a daily basis, so please make sure that you sign their reading record when you’ve heard them read - we will do the same here in school.

On top of that, we will be using Google Classroom for some maths problems (same logins that you used for home learning) which will reflect what your child has been learning in school that week. There won’t be too many to start off with and this will ensure that your child is given the opportunity to refine their skills and show off what they can do. Remember to click on the ‘hand in’ button, so that your teacher can see your hard work.

Finally, we will be sending home spellings which the children have encountered in school as well. They will simply be practicing their spellings (which will be uploaded onto Google Classroom) so that they have even more experience in using them.

In summary, weekly homework will consist of:
* 15 minutes of reading every day
*  Maths questions (on Google Classroom) once weekly
*  Spelling practice (on Google Classroom) once weekly

We will be asking parents for feedback on the updates to homework across the term, so please let us know your thoughts. In the meantime, if there are any problems then please don’t hesitate to come and speak to us.

Thank you for your continued support.



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