This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 27th June - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: June 27th 2023

This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 27th June


Week Beginning: 27th June 2023


This week in nursery we will continue our story topic on Elmer the Elephant. Children will be involved in colour by number  elephant game. During our music and movement sessions we shall be listening to soundtracks from our favourite animal songs encouraging the children to listen to the music and create movement to match these animals.

Please take a look at the board outside the nursery gate for daily updates and  coming events.


This week in Reception we are continuing with our topic of 'Under the Sea' through the story of 'Commotion in the Ocean' The children will be thinking about the descriptions of the different sea creatures and then writing their own riddles. In Maths we are looking at finding 'lots of' different numbers (which is a basic introduction to multiplication) and trying to use the correct language to go with this.


This week is assessment week, we will be assessing the children's knowledge of Maths (Arithmetic and Reasoning), Reading and SPaG. The rest of the time, it will be consolidation of all the skills they have learnt this year.


Year 2 will be continuing with our new book, in English, Tell me a dragon. In Maths, we will be putting our maths knowledge to the test with word problems. In History, we are continuing our learning about Palaces.   


This week in Year 3 we will be continuing with our clay project and completing our roses. In science, we will be exploring magnets and the force they put on different objects. In English we will be starting a new book but we are keeping that a surprise for now! 


This week in Year 4, we will be writing a newspaper article about a dragon that has been spotted! The children will be interviewing each other to practise their speech skills to include in their newspaper article. 


This week in Year 5, we are investigating the features of descriptive writing, such as: metaphors, similes and personification. In maths, we are refining our skills when calculating fractions with different denominators.  In history, we will begin exploring what life was like for Vicotrian children in preparation for our Victorian school day. In science, we will be investigating how the planets and the moon got their shapes and why craters have been formed. 


This week in year six, we will be looking at the use of alliteration, personification and the play on words in our writing. We will be using familiar nursery rhymes and turning these into stories. 

Obviously, our biggest focus will be our acting. Full on stage rehearsals begin on Tuesday. Wish us all lots of luck and patience!



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