This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 18th September - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: September 18th 2023

This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 18th September


Week Beginning: 18th September 2023


This week our topic is “on the farm” as some of the children have spoken about visiting farms with their families.

We will be discussing different types of farms , Animal farming (livestock/agriculture)

Arable Farms ( crops wheat or vegetables) and also dairy farms. 

We are going to do Vegetable printing and colour mixing.

The children will be planting cress seeds on cotton wool and learning about plant life cycle.

Our book of the week is  “ Farmer Duck”


This week in Reception we will be learning about minibeasts and how they may impact our environment.We have started our phonics and by now should have all received the QR codes to practice at home.

On  Wednesday 20th September 9am we shall be holding a meeting about how phonics and maths work for our young children. We would love to see you all there and there will be an opportunity to ask questions.

Please see the board outside Reception Classes for daily updates.


This week, Year 1 will be writing noun phrases linked to our story "The Leaf Thief" and writing a recount of the story using main clauses.  In Maths, Year 1 will be counting in tens and ones, using various manipulatives, to show which digit represents the ones and which represents tens up to 20.  


Year 2 will be learning how to subtract one and tens from a two digit number. In English, we will be writing a narrative using the first person. In Geography, we will be learning about the temperature of the continents and in Art we will be using our shading skills. 


In Maths we will be learning a new method for subtraction. In English we will be continuing with our book, 'Invisible' and using interesting vocabulary to write descriptions.

In Science we will be continuing our work on forces. We will be learning about friction and how forces can slow an object down.


In Maths this week, we will be recapping on our year 3 knowledge in subtraction. 

In English this week, we will be using our description skills to retell a narrative, The Comet. 


This week, in maths, we will be learning how to do column multiplication and practising with 1 digit numbers. In English, we will be consolidating our knowledge of conjunctions and fronted adverbials. We will also be learning about relative clauses, in preparation for our new book. In science, we will be creating a leaflet explaining how different animals have different life cycles. Finally, in Geography, we will be exploring how to measure time using timezones. 


This week, in year six we will be exploring different mountain ranges with a particular focus on Mount Everest, which is the tallest mountain in the world. In our English, we will be practising our skills of using apostrophes when contracting and to write in the first person, whilst writing an informal email. 




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