This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 25th Septemeber - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: September 25th 2023

This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 25th Septemeber


Week Beginning: 25th September 2023


Our topic next week will be based on the book “The Hungry Caterpillar” as some of the children have shown an interest in this book this week.

We will be cover the days of the week and number rhyme songs / activities 1-10

The children will have the opportunity to make a fruit salad and a fruit smoothie using three of their senses, touch, taste and smell.


This week, we are continuing our topic in mini-beasts and to consolidate our learning the children will be involved in a  mini beast workshop on Tuesday 3rd October, more details to follow. During  our phonics programme children will be learning the next set of sounds in set 1. You should have QR codes to practice and home. 

Please  inform one of the Early Years Team if you need support. 


In Maths, we are going to add a one-digit number to a one-digit number up to 10 and 20 using manipulatives. Later in the week, we will introduce the symbols + and = to use in an addition number sentence.

In English, we are going to look at a new book for the next two weeks called 'The way back home'. We are going to use our phonics knowledge to sound out words and write main clauses using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. We will also use noun phrases (e.g. little boy) to make our clauses more interesting.

On Thursday, it is Macmillan Coffee Morning and we are looking forward to seeing you at 1:20-1:50pm to buy a coffee and a cake.

On Friday, it is INSET Day, so the school will be closed for pupils.


Year 2 are looking forward to building their habitats for minibeasts in the wildlife area for our Science topic. In English, we are going to use our writing skills to write about a picture. In Maths, we are beginning to use arrays. In Geography, we are learning about the weather in the different continents.  


In Maths, Year 3 will be reinforcing our knowledge of multiplication and learning some new methods for solving times tables.

In English we will be looking at non fiction texts and writing our own, including features such as headings, sub headings and subject specific vocabulary. 


This week in English, we will be moving onto recapping our previously conjunction knowledge. We will be focusing on coordinating conjunctions (FANBOYS). The children will be using their knowledge to write a narrative.

This week in Maths, we will be moving onto multiplying. We will be focusing on their previous Year 3 knowledge by using the grid method. 


This week in Year 5, we are excited to be starting a new class book that we will be using as a stimulus for our English lessons. In maths, we are beginning to use a formal written method for division and the homework set is based on this. We are looking forward to welcoming you for our McMillian Coffee Morning and will be grateful for all donations towards this fantastic charity. On Thursday, we will be planning our DT projects which even includes some food tasting! What a week!


This week, in year six, we will be learning about the purpose of an Ordnance Survey map and identifying how an area has developed over the last one-hundred years. In English, we will be using an image to help us create a story. We will be varying our use of varied sentence structures to help engage our reader. Year Six would like to invite all of our parents to the MacMillan Coffee morning on Thursday 28th September at 11:30am. 



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