This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 9th October - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: October 9th 2023

This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 9th October


Week Beginning: 9th October 2023


Our topic for this week is "Mini beasts" following on from the children's hands-on experience  last week with the mini beasts.

We will be doing junk modeling and encouraging the children to think about the materials and shapes they are using to make a bug hotel.

We will be exploring volume and capacity as wells as pattern matching in maths.

The children are doing an amazing  job with there phonic sounds for m,a and s that we have now introduced the phonic sound for d.

Our book for this week is "Super worm"


Well as we are approaching our last week of the half term our children have settled well and amazing us with all their  efforts.

This week we shall be looking at Autumn and the changes within the season. During the week children will be going on a nature walk around the fields, collecting leaves and using them in various ways from sorting shape and colours  to writing initial sounds and cvc words.  Please ensure you support your child at home with their sounds. We would love to see photos and videos of this to share with their peers on tapestry.


In English, we are going to look at a new book, it will be a text for the whole school called 'The Planet in a Pickle Jar'. We will be thinking of our memories, feelings, smells, nature, animals and people who we would like to preserve for the future. We will be writing about our favourite memories, using main clauses/noun phrases, and what we would also like to take with us from Year 1.

In Maths, we are going to group concrete objects into 2s using manipulatives to count them efficiently. We will also be putting objects into arrays, where we will find how many groups of 2s they have and their total.

Have a great half term and we will see you all on Monday, 30th October 2023!


In Year 2, we are excited to be making our own sandwiches in our DT lessons! In English, we will be consolidating all of this terms learning when we write about the whole school book, The planet in a pickle jar. In Maths, we will be revisiting all the four operations.


Next week in Year 3 we are very excited to be starting our Whole School Text - The Planet in a Pickle Jar. As well as this we will be recapping all of the methods we've learnt this term in our maths lessons. In DT we will finally be making our pasta dishes and cannot wait to see how they turn out; we hope you'll get to enjoy them too when they come home! 


We have made it to the end of a busy half term! The children have made even more progress in their swimming lessons and they have enjoyed our Wellbeing and DT days. 

In Maths this week, we are recapping on our known calculation strategies and completing some end of term assessments.

In English, we are looking at a whole-school text called 'The Planet in a Pickle Jar'. We are focusing on description and we will be designing and describing our own pickle jars of things that we love. 


This week in Year 5, we are excited to be starting our first, whole school book of this academic year and all of our writing (and some art) will be centred around this story. In maths, we are showcasing our learning in our assessments and we are beginning our geometry unit of work. In geography, we are using our compass skills to complete an orienteering task around the school.


This week, yes six will be completing their DT project on burger making. This will take place on Thursday. Fingers crossed we have no technical hitches. Our PE days are Thursday and Friday this week instead of Monday. In English, we will be using descriptive writing to engage the reader.



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