This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 6th November - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: November 6th 2023

This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 6th November


Week Beginning: 6th November 2023


This week we will be looking at “celebrations of light”  firstly we will be discussing Bonfire Night  and  then  Diwali , we will be encouraging the children to talk about their own experiences . 

The children will be exploring with clay texture and colour to create a firework piece of art and a Diya pot.

For maths we will be covering shape colour and patterns


This week in Reception Class we are going to read the story of The Three Little Pigs. The children will be exploring different materials and looking at which ones will be effective for building.  

During our maths sessions we shall be focusing on the number 6 and finding what two parts make 6. We will be practising forming number 6 correctly and you could support your child at home by looking for 6 of something in the environment or practising writing number 6 in lots of different media such as sand, shaving foam, etc.

Don't forget to look at Tapestry for your home learning challenges and remember to bring your Home Learning folders back in on wednesday PLEASE!  Many thanks.


In English, we are going to look at a new book linked to our topic (Toys), ‘Traction Man is Here.’ We will be thinking about noun phrases to describe the scene and role play part of the story to think about feelings and face expressions. Towards the end of the week, we will be writing a comic strip using main clauses (capital letters, fingers spaces and end marks).

In Maths, we are going to count in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s and solve problems linked to all theses facts.


Year 2 are going to be learning about money and coins in Maths. In English, we will be learning about Remembrance day and using the conjunction 'and' in our writing. In History, we are going to be learning about Matthew Henson and in Science we are learning about things that are alive and things that have never been alive.


In Maths, Year 3 will be writing and telling the time on an analogue clock, using 12 and 24 hour clocks. They will also be reinforcing their knowledge of place value, by comparing numbers and placing numbers on a blank number line. In English we are continuing to base our writing on the book 'The Pirates Next Door'. We will be focussing on using time adverbials such as 'later, 'before', 'next' and 'after' in our writing.


This week in English, we will be focusing on a Greek Myth 'Hades and Persephone'. Our skill for the week in English will be writing and applying our knowledge for the past tense (adding ed). Our writing outcome will be to write a letter in role. 

This week in Maths, we will be focusing on measure. The children will be converting between different measures using their mu;ltiplicaton and division skills. We will also be looking at the area and perimeter of shapes.


This week in maths, we will be looking at fractions by consolidating learning from Year 4. We will be making sure we are confident with fraction and decimal equivalents before revising how to find fractions of an amount. In English, we are re-visiting relative clauses, focusing on using a variety of punctuation. We will also be starting our new book, the Barnabus Project. In science, we will be investigating whether heavier objects fall quicker than lighter objects. Finally, in history, we will be learning about the Maya city-states.


This week, we will be taking part in our first mock SATs. The tests will run from Monday to Thursday. The children have been informed and know that the mocks are to help prepare them for the official tests in May. During the afternoon lessons, we will be continuing our journey on crime and punishment through the different periods in history whilst in science we will be investigating shadows. 



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