This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 8th January - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: January 8th 2024

This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 8th January


Week Beginning: 8th January 2024


This week in Nursery we will be reading the book " The Polor Bear and the Snow Cloud" we will be making an artic scene in our water tray using ice cubes and small world artic animals. The children  will be observing and discussing what is  happening to the ice during the course of the day.

We will be looking at how to keep warm in winter and practicing how to put our coats hats and gloves on.

In maths we will be exploring with shapes and colour.


The children have all settled back well after the Christmas break and are ready for another busy term. Our new topic is Light and dark and space. We shall be exploring facts about space and using this to support our writing.  In maths we shall be revisiting our number bonds to and within 10, as the children need to know their bonds to and within 5 off by heart by the end of the year. They also need to be able to recall some number bonds to 10, so any opportunities at home that you get to practise these would be very much appreciated! Please remember to return the Home Learning packs to your child's teacher each Wednesday, so that new reading or sound blending books can be given out each Friday.


In English, we are going to use a winter picture prompt to describe the image. We will also be writing main clauses punctuated correctly and even extending them with conjunctions, such as and, because about this image.

In Maths, we are going to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. We will be looking at missing number lines and we will be applying this skill to solve word problems.


We are going to be using the 'but' conjunction when we write about our book Wombat goes walkabout. In Maths, we are adding and subtracting including bridging. We are looking forward to starting our Geography topic about Australia.


We are going to be using the 'but' conjunction when we write about our book Wombat goes walkabout. In Maths, we are adding and subtracting including bridging. We are looking forward to starting our Geography topic about Australia.


This week in Maths, we are looking at addition and subtraction. This will include mental methods, using the compact column method and rounding and adjusting. 

In English, we are recapping on noun phrases and we are also introducing an extended type of noun phrase, which is new to Year 4 learning. 


This week in year 5, we will be revising our calculation skills by focusing on addition, subtraction and multiplication. In English, we will be creating subordinating clauses. In geography, we are starting our new topic: exploring North America! In science, we are investigating how to retrieve objects from a solution. 


This week, we will be starting our new text in the Daily Read and continuing to develop our inference and retrieval skills. Inwriting, we will be exploring how character's behave differently in the same situation. 

Homework update:

Maths homework will now be given out three times a week and should take approximately 10 minutes. All homework will be arithmetic based and linked to prior learning. Homework will be given out three times a week and must be returned the following day. 



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