This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 9th May - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: May 9th 2023

This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 9th May


Week Beginning: 9th May 2023


Our new nursery topic for the next few weeks is based around planting seeds and what they need in order to grow. Our activities will allow children to reinforce mathematical skills like counting big seeds, measuring, comparing and making predictions. Daily visits to the garden to watch and water seeds as they grow requires patience  and responsibility as they see changes to the plant. Please keep an eye on daily activities posted on the notice board outside the nursery gate.


In Reception this week we will be rounding off our topic of lifecycles by looking at the lifecycle of a frog and learning the names of the four main stages of change that it goes through. We will be measuring our bean plants and writing about how they have changed from a seed to a plant. In Maths, we will be finding out about odd and even numbers through the story of 'Mr Odd and Mrs Even'!


In English, we are going to watch a short video of the story of 'Lost and Found'. Children will use noun phrases to describe the harbour. Towards the end of the week, we are going to write a diary entry using main clauses, noun phrases and conjunctions (and, because).

In Maths, we are going to halve and quarter shapes and amounts.


Year 2 will be writing our own version of the Lazy Jack story (ask us to tell you the story - we know it REALLY well!). In Maths, we are recapping the four operations and we will be writing an information text in Geography about the animals in the Arctic. 


This week in Geography we will continue to explore the world focusing on volcanoes and earthquakes. In Science we will look at the functions of a skeleton. As well as reminding ourselves what a balanced diet looks like. In English we will be consolidating the skills we have learnt over this half term, such as adding speech to our writing or using more interesting adjectives in our work to ensure our sentences are enticing. In Maths we will be focusing on identifying volumes of liquid.


In Maths this week, we will be focusing on decimals and fractions. We will be ordering decimals from smallest to largest, using a number line and we will be rounding decimals to the nearest whole number. We will also be finding fractions of amounts with a money focus. 

In English this week, we will be looking at our inference skills based on a picture of a new book we will be starting. The children will be using their Big Read spies to help them to detect clues and predict what they think will happen based on this picture. 


This week in Year 5, we will be writing the conclusion of our class book, Anglo-Saxon Boy showcasing all of our Year 5 skills. In maths, we are using our multiplication and division skills to convert between units of measure. We are learning about the key features of a river system in geography and why dams are so important. 


This week is our SATs week, we have tests everyday which we know they are going to be amazing at.

Our test timetable:

Tuesday: SPaG

Wednesday: Reading 

Thursday: Arithmetic and Reasoning 1

Friday: Reasoning 2

Good luck everyone.



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