Remote Learning - Gray's Farm Primary Academy

Remote Learning



In the event of home learning becoming a necessity, our ambition is to provide a remote offer that closely resembles normal in-class lessons as well as provide wider enrichment and wellbeing activities. Our remote learning offer will incorporate our values of being:


Growing lifelong learners


We would offer the following remote curriculum offer as a minimum:

  • The curriculum offer would be a minimum of 3 hours per day for Early Years and KS1 and 4 hours a day for KS2 and would include directed activities and independent learning. Please click on the links below to see examples of past timetables: 

Reception Home Learning Timetable
Remote Learning Timetable 

  • Curriculum content would be accessible to students including those with SEND.

  • Children working from home would have access to ‘live-learning’ which models their tasks and provides activities and feedback via google classroom. The majority of lessons would involve a live element. This does not necessarily mean a live lesson on Google meet and may be a pre-recorded video from an external source, but we would aim to have an element of modelling or explanation to start the learning.