Policies - Gray's Farm Primary Academy


Our policies are under constant review, please check the website regularly for updates.

If you require any of these policies in an alternative laungage, please contact the school office by emailing; admin@graysfarm-tkat.org.

Policies Date  
Acceptable Use Policy - Children 24th Jul 2024 Download
Acceptable Use Policy - Staff 24th Jul 2024 Download
Accessibility Plan 21st Nov 2022 Download
Admissions Policy 2024-2025 15th Mar 2023 Download
Admissions Policy 2025 - 2026 30th Jan 2024 Download
Anti-Bullying Policy 20th Nov 2023 Download
Assessment for Learning Policy 14th Mar 2024 Download
Attendance and Punctuality Policy 24th Jul 2024 Download
Behaviour Policy 20th Nov 2023 Download
Charging and Remissions Policy 01st Sep 2021 Download
Children who are Looked After Policy 20th Nov 2023 Download
Children with Health Needs who Cannot Attend School Policy 03rd Jul 2023 Download
Collection and Drop Off Policy 20th Nov 2023 Download
Complaints Policy 21st Apr 2023 Download
Dealing with unacceptable behaviour on school premises 14th Mar 2024 Download
E-Safety Policy 16th Mar 2023 Download
Educational Visits Policy 14th Mar 2024 Download
Equality Impact Statement 05th Jul 2023 Download
Equality Policy 17th Jul 2023 Download
Exclusion Policy - See Behaviour Policy 30th Jun 2023 Download
EYFS Policy 01st Nov 2021 Download
Fire Safety 20th Nov 2023 Download
First Aid Policy 26th Sep 2023 Download
FOI Publication Scheme 03rd Apr 2023 Download
Food Policy 01st Jul 2022 Download
Health and Safety Policy 02nd Jan 2023 Download
Home School Agreement 31st Aug 2023 Download
Intimate Care Policy 26th Sep 2023 Download
Lettings Policy 24th Jul 2024 Download
Lone Working Policy 26th Sep 2023 Download
Modern Slavery Statement (Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking) 24th Jan 2024 Download
Nursery Admissions Policy - 2023/24 26th Jan 2024 Download
Nursery Admissions Policy - 2024/25 26th Jan 2024 Download
Physical Education Policy 01st Nov 2021 Download
Positive Handling Policy 01st Nov 2021 Download
Pupil Premium Policy 16th Mar 2023 Download
Remote Learning Policy 24th Jan 2024 Download
RSE Policy 04th Oct 2022 Download
Safeguarding Policy 24th Jul 2024 Download
Scheme of Delegated Authority 03rd Jul 2023 Download
SEN Policy 26th Sep 2023 Download
SEND Information Report and Local Offer 26th Sep 2023 Download
Separated Parents Policy 20th Nov 2023 Download
Severe Weather Policy 05th Jul 2023 Download
Smoke Free policy 21st Apr 2023 Download
Social Media Policy 24th Jan 2024 Download
Supporting Children with Medical Needs Policy 20th Nov 2023 Download
Uniform Policy 16th Mar 2023 Download
Violence at Work Policy 24th Jul 2024 Download
Visitor Policy 01st Nov 2021 Download
Whistleblowing Policy 22nd May 2024 Download