How to Maths Videos
We understand that calculation methods (and the way they are taught) have changed since our generation went to primary school! To keep you up-to-date and informed, the teaching staff have created a series of short films on how the methods are modelled in class. View our videos for step-by-step guides on how to the calculation methods taught here at Gray's Farm.
Multiplication Methods
TKAT Maths: Keeping up with the children
Our academy trust, TKAT, have put together a series of videos to help with supporting Maths at home, these can be found on their Youtube channel below:
Within the below document you will find images explaining the different methods we, as a school, use for the four basic operations in maths (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.) The images show the development in methods as the children progress throughout the school. Hopefully you will find it helpful when supporting your children at home.
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Supporting Maths at Home |