Year 2 - Brighton Sea Life Centre
On Thursday 5th July, Year 2 will be visiting the Brighton Sea Life Centre as part of our theme for this term, ‘Under the Sea’. The children will get to see a huge variety of sea creatures in the aquarium and (weather permitting) visit the beach. We will be travelling to and from Brighton by coach and eating a packed lunch whilst there.
Children should arrive promptly to school by no later than the usual time of 8.55am and will register in their classrooms as normal. We are expected to arrive back to school for the usual pick up time of 3.15pm, however we will keep parents updated, via text, if we are going to be back later. Please pick you child up from the playground at the end of the day.
The cost of the coach and entrance to the Sea Life Centre is £19.50 per child. Payment and permission can be made via the ‘School Gateway,’ our online payment system. If you are experiencing difficulties paying on the Gateway or would like the funds to come out of your account instantly, the office can print a barcoded voucher which can be taken to any PayPoint outlet and used to make payment. The last day that payments can be made is Thursday 28th June.
Your child will need to:
- Wear full school uniform (trainers/more comfortable shoes are permitted)
- Bring a waterproof coat/sun hat/sun cream dependent on the weather
- Bring a packed lunch and a bottle of water (this could be in a disposable plastic bag to throw away afterwards). As all children in Year 2 are entitled to Universal Infant Free School Meals, the school can provide them with a packed lunch. Please return the slip which has been sent separately if you would like the school kitchen to make your child a lunch
We really need some parent helpers so if you are available to assist on this trip, please speak to your child’s class teacher.
Thank you for your continued support.