This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 19th February - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: February 9th 2024

This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 19th February


Week Beginning: 19th February 2024


Our topic this week is “Dinosaur world” will be asking the children questions and encouraging them to think about , what is a dinosaur?  What did Dinosaurs eat ? And what did they sound like?

We will be researching Mary Anning a fossil hunter who also helped discover dinosaurs 

In Maths we will be covering the concept time and comparing the sizes of Dinosaurs.


Welcome back, we hope you enjoyed your time away from school with your families.

Our new topic is all about dinosaurs. The children will be learning about the environment in which the dinosaurs lived in and the impact they had when they roamed the planet. They will be learning the different names and how to sort them by not only what they ate but by their size and features. In Maths, the children will be continuing with addition but will be finding the total of two groups of objects by counting on from the first group.


Welcome back! 

In Maths, we are going to look at place values (tens and ones), and also we will be adding a one digit number to a two-digit number.

In English, we are going to look at a new class book, 'The Storm Whale'. We are going to consolidate what nouns, adjectives and verbs are. We will be writing main clauses linked to the story/characters of the book using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. We also will be joining two simple, main clauses with the conjunction 'and'.

Our PE days in Spring 2 term will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays.


In English, will be looking into a new book called Leon and the place between. We will then be learning how to use the conjunction 'when'. In Maths, we will be comparing money, counting in 2's and 5's and solving number sentences with missing numbers. In Science our new topic will be on plants and in history we will be looking at nurses.


Welcome back Year 3! This week we will be starting a new book in English and will be having a class debate to work out what we think the character should do next. In maths we will be looking at equivalent fractions all week so try and remind yourself what these are before we start. Finally in history we are very excited to be starting our new topic of the Stone Age.


Welcome back! We hope you had a restful break. 

This week in English, we will be recapping on conjunction knowledge. Remember the comma for subordinating conjunctions and the 2nd subject after the coordinating conjunction. 

This week in Maths, we will be recapping our place value knowledge by ordering and comparing whole numbers and decimals. We will also be multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100.

Our topics for this half term are: 

History - Romans 

Science - teeth

RE - right and wrong 

A reminder that swimming is now over. This half term the children will be doing outdoor PE with Mr Morris on a Tuesday morning and indoor PE with the class teacher on a Wednesday afternoon. 


This week in Year 5, we are excited to be starting our History topic about the Anglo Saxons and Viking invasions. We will be continuing with the chemistry unit of our learning, investigating materials, their changes and whether they are reversible or not.

In maths, we will start the term fine tuning our knowledge of place value and using this to solve real life problems.


Our writing will all be based around a short video clip. We will be describing settings, looking at how characters behave in certain situations and writing a journal entry.  In our SPaG lessons, we will continue to develop our understanding of word classes and explore word families. In science, we will be researching how plants have evolved and adapted to their environment.



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