Year 3 Trip to Colchester Zoo
On Friday 29th June, Year 3 will be visiting Colchester Zoo as part of our theme for this term, ‘Rainforests’. We will be travelling to and from the zoo by coach and eating a packed lunch whilst there.
Children should arrive promptly to school by no later than 8.30am, where they will be met by their class teacher in the main hall. We are expected to arrive back to school by 4.30pm at the latest, however we will keep parents updated, via text, if we experience any delays and are due back later. Please pick you child up from the main hall at the end of the day.
The cost of the coach and entrance to the zoo is £16.50 per child. Payment and permission can be made via the ‘School Gateway’, our online payment system. The last day that payments can be made is
Friday 22nd June. If you are experiencing difficulties paying on the Gateway or would like the funds to come out of your account instantly, the office can print a barcoded voucher which can be taken to any PayPoint outlet and used to make payment.
Children are permitted to bring no more than £5 spending money with them to visit the shop – this must be clearly labelled with their name in either a purse/wallet or envelope and given to their group leader on the day.
Your child will need to:
- Wear full school uniform (trainers/more comfortable shoes are permitted)
- Bring a waterproof coat/sun hat
- Bring a packed lunch and a bottle of water (this could be in a disposable plastic bag to throw away afterwards) – if your child is entitled to free school meals, they will receive a separate slip where you can opt for the school to provide a packed lunch
Thank you for your continued support.