This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 25/11 - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: November 25th 2019

This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 25/11


Week Beginning: 25 November 2019


We shall continue our work on the dinosaurs, the children seemed to be really engrossed in the topic and using their understanding of this in all areas of their learning.

The children will work together to make a dino dig, using brushes and hammers to excavate fossils and old dinosaur bones.

They will explore the different kinds of dinosaurs and what they ate and how they lived.
Please continue to put photos on tapestry especially about topics that we cover in nursery.


This week in Reception we are continuing with our book focus on 'The Gingerbread Man'. We will be retelling the story and thinking about how we could change the ending. We will also be applying our phonics and beginning to build and write simple sentences using word cards. In phonics this week were are learning the new sounds j, v and w and revising all of our tricky words so far: I, no, go, to, into, the, he and then introducing she and me. In maths this week we are comparing groups of objects as more or less and starting to talk about what '1 more' means. Don't forget that our phonics workshop is this week on Tuesday 26th November at 9:15 in the main hall. Please let a member of the team know if you are coming if you have not done so already. We look forward to seeing you there!

For the Christmas Bazaar we are running the jam jar tombola stall. We would like to ask all of the children in Reception to bring at least 1 empty jam jar in please! We need lots of sweets to fill the jars so any donations of these would also be appreciated. Alternatively, you could bring a jam jar full of sweets!! Thank you. 


In Year 1, we are continuing our learning with 'Lost in the Toy Museum'. We will be using our noun phrase knowledge to write a short description of one of the scenes from the story. We are extremely lucky to be taking part in a bread making workshop. If you have any concerns about allergies please talk to a member of the year 1 team. This will hopefully encourage our children to produce some wonderful recipe writing. 
In Maths, we will be counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. We will be grouping them at first, looking at how many lots we have and then moving into an array. 


In Maths next week, we will be moving on to time. We will be focusing on o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. We will be writing the time and drawing the hands too. 

In English next week, we will be using pictures to predict what might happen next and using our expanded noun phrase knowledge (for example: gold, shiny treasure) to write a descriptive piece of writing. 


English: We are continuing with our story 'The First Drawing' and will be building on our learning of fronted adverbials to include time openers. 

Maths: It is shape week so we will be taking part in many fun activities to sort, draw and describe 2D shapes. We will also be looking at the different types of lines: horizontal, vertical, parallel and perpendicular. 

History: We will be discovering what changed in the Mesolithic period of the Stone Age by looking at primary and secondary sources of this time.

Science: After finding out about sedimentary rocks last week (and eating them), we are now moving onto to finding out how metamorphic rocks are formed in another fun activity! 


This week in Maths we will be continuing our work on fractions - specifically fractions of amount and those with the same denominator. 

In English, we will be focussing on including speech within our writing and learning how to punctuate this correctly. 


Year 5 will be starting a new book in English based around our Mayan topic. We will be looking at the impact of each sentence we write to have an affect on the reader. In Maths, we are reading and converting time from analogue to digital and 12 hour to 24 hours. Please encourage your child to read the time to you from both analogue and digital clocks to test their knowledge!

In History, we are continuing the topic about the Ancient Maya. We will be looking at the rulers of the time and how they enforced their power. Our Science lesson will be looking at water resistance.  


This week in Year 6, we will be learning how crimes changed in the 1600s and will be writing around our new class book.



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