This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 04/10
Week Beginning: 1st October 2021
As we are coming into Autumn our new story topic is called The Very Helpful Hedgehog, it is about a hedgehog that learns the value of helping others and having friends.
We will also be exploring changes to our environment during Autumn and why some animals hibernate.
Activities will be featured on the board outside nursery daily. Please keep sending in your tapestry photos and videos, we love share them.
In Reception this week the children are going to be reading the story of 'Superworm' and finding out what sort of character he and Wizard Lizard are. They are going to be learning how to describe a character and using their phonic knowledge to have a go at writing about what Superworm can be. In Maths, the children are going to be looking at and learning the number bonds to 5.
DT Week - the last week before half-term is DT week and we are going to be making....sock puppets! Please can you send your child in with one old, clean sock (preferably an adult sized one) in a named small plastic bag by Fri 22nd October.
In Maths we are learning how to subtract. We are also finding number bonds of numbers up to 10. For example, 7 + 3 = 10, 5 + 1 = 6.
In English we will be continuing to use Stick Man for our writing. We will be writing main clauses and will also plan and write a postcard as Stick Man.
This week in English, we will be finishing our book 'Katie and the Dinosaurs'. We will be focusing on a new skill: joining to main clauses together, using the conjunction 'because'. For example: Hadrosaurus was happy because he had found his family.
This week in Maths, we will be focusing on division. We will be using practical resources to make sure we are sharing equally before moving on to drawing our arrays into books.
This week in English, we are continuing the story of The Bear and the Piano. We are writing a letter home to explain how we are feeling about being in the city. We will use emotive language and as we are writing a letter, we will use the first person.
In maths, we are doing consolidation on addition and subtraction, where we must use the inverse do find the answer to the original question. We will also be visiting 'time' and exploring telling the time on an analogue clock.
This week in English we will be working on subordinating conjunctions and subordinating clauses. We will be continuing with our class book, The Lost Happy Endings, and writing an alternative ending.
In Maths we are consolidating our learning using addition and subtraction.
This week in Year 5, we will be completing our NTS reading and maths assessments. In English, we will be completing the class book 'Lights on Cotton Rock' and using indirect speech within a newspaper article. We are looking forward to investigating the phases of the moon in Science and we are using grid references in Geography.
In year six, we will be continuing our work around The Spider and The Fly, where we look at the use of speech punctuation. In science, we will be carrying out an investigation into how bird's beaks have adapted to their environment.