This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 11/10 - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: October 11th 2021

This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 11/10


Week Beginning: 8th October 2021


This week we will be focusing on DT (design and technology) during our Forest School session and make puppets which can be used as part of our story telling. 

Friday is our WELL BEING Day, please check the information board outside nursery for more details on how the day will be run. 

Please continue to put your children’s photos, amazing moments and any work they have done especially if it is related to our school story topic, we would love to see them. 


In Reception this week  the children will be choosing a minibeast to write a riddle about.  They will be sharing their riddles to see if everyone else can guess the minibeast that they chose to write about. They will be making their own paper plate spider webs and making sounds that they have learnt from pipe cleaners.  In Maths, the children will be exploring and learning the number bonds of numbers within 5, so they will be looking for two numbers that can make 2, 3 and 4 as we focused on finding two numbers that make 5 last week.


This week, in English, children will be learning all about hedgehogs, they will find and sort facts all about this wonderful creature. Children will move on to planning and writing non-chronological reports all about hedgehogs. In Maths, children will be counting in 2s and finding groups of 2s within numbers.


In English this week, we will be focusing on our adding ed spelling rules when writing in the past tense for example:

1. Just +ed - walk = walked

2. Drop the 'e' and +ed - bake = baked

3. Change the 'y' to an 'i' and +ed - cry = cried

4. Double the final consonant and +ed - skip = skipped

5. Change the word - swim = swam 

In Maths this week, we will be recapping our calculation methods when adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing using our dienes or arrays. We will also be encouraging the children to look for any keywords in their word problems to see if they can identify whether it's adding or subtracting and explaining how they know! 


In this week's maths, we will be learning about division. We are going to be practicing different methods of dividing a number and try and use our already learnt number facts to help us.

In English, we will be reading the book "The Terribly Friendly Fox". We will be using different subordinate conjunctions and learning skills for a diary entry, 



In Maths, we will be working on factor pairs of a given number and multiplying by doubling.  We will also be multiplying numbers by 9 and 11.  In English, we will be continuing with our class book, The Lost Happy Endings and we will be writing an alternative ending to the story.  We will also be completing our science and geography topics this week.


This week in Year 5, we are looking at the properties of 2D and 3D shapes in maths. We are using contrasting conjunctions in our English writing and considering the thoughts and feelings of a key character in a story.


This week in year six, we will be learning about how different plants have adapted to their environment. Whilst in Geography we will be identifying how Orpington High street has changed over the last 120 years. 

Year six will also be taking part in Friday's well-being day. 



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