This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 15th May - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: May 15th 2023

This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 15th May


Week Beginning: 15th May 2023


In nursery this week, we will continue our mini topic on planting and growing linking this with the story of  The Enormous Turnip, During our music and movement sessions we will be exploring forces linking these with the characters in the story as they work together to pull the turnip from the ground.

We will be looking at different seeds counting and sorting as well as making comparisons. Please ensure you check the board outside the nursery gate for more information.


In Reception this week the children are beginning a new topic around pollution.  They will be finding out what the term pollution means and investigating the different types of pollution that we can see all around us. In Maths, the children will be learning how to double numbers and looking for patterns within thi to help them remember their doubles!


In English, we are going to spend another week on the short video of the Lost and Found. Children will be packing a suitcase to go on an Arctic adventure. They will be using noun phrases (i.e. rainbow fish and woolly jumper) to describe the under sea and Arctic world. Towards the end of the week, children will write main clauses with noun phrases and conjunctions to send a postcard back to their loved ones from the South Pole.

In Maths, we are going to consolidate our addition and subtraction skills using a number line. We will also be looking at money and how to solve addition problems including money.


Year 2 are going to be testing all week (see note on Google classroom). Alongside this, we will be learning how climate change is affecting the rainforests and in Science, we are learning the lifecycle of a human.  


This week in Year 3, the children will be revisiting fractions. They will be adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators and findings equivalent. In English we will be starting our new book ' Space Band' by Tom Fletcher, so be warned your child may come home singing some interesting songs!! In geography we will be learning about why earthquakes happen. Please remember to label all of your child's clothes for swimming on Thursday (including underwear!). Thank you! 


In Maths this week, we will be focusing on time. We will be recapping on analogue digital time before converting between 12 hour and 24 hour times. 

In English this week, we will be focusing on inverted commas (speech) and writing a dialogue between 2 characters. 


This week in Year 5, we are refining our writing skills and learning to use semicolons in English.  We are excited to showcase our learning in our final NTS tests of the year. In science, we are continuing to learn about a human's development stages and we are finishing our rivers topic in geography.


After a very busy week, where all of our children were absolute superstars, we are having a slightly different week. We will be doing some collaborative writing with year two in English, whilst in Science we will begin to explore our Circulatory system. PE will be Monday and Friday as normal.



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