This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 22nd January - Latest News - Gray's Farm Primary Academy
Posted on: January 22nd 2024

This week at Gray's Farm - W/B 22nd January


Week Beginning: 22nd January 2024


This week in Nursery we will be covering Oral Health, we will be discussing what foods and drinks help teeth to grow strong and those that don't.

The children will be experimenting making different marks on paper using paint and toothbrushes and looking at artwork by Jackson Pollock.

In maths we will be covering 3d shapes and looking at everyday shapes and asking the children questions such as, What shape is a ball? Can you find something that is the shape of a cylinder?


This week in Reception class we shall be moving onto our new topic,  mysteries and crimes and using our investigation skills to solve some puzzling clues. In maths the children have been looking at  one more than a number, we shall still continue with this but with more emphasis on one less than a number. Please continue to check tapestry to see your children’s progress as well as talking to the Early Years team for support.


This week, in Maths, Year 1 will be using cubes and hand spans to measure various items in the classroom.  We will also be looking at what capacity means and using specific vocabulary to describe the space.  In English, we will be looking at the Tale of the Welsh Dragon and retelling the story using main clauses. 

Can we please ask that your child brings in an item of cardboard for DT on Friday.


 In Year 2, we will be writing the story of Possum Magic in our English lessons. In Maths, we will be dividing using arrays and learning to tell the time. In Geography, we will be learning about the indigenous people of Australia and in Science, we are investigating what floats or sinks.


Next week in Year 3 we will be looking at prepositions in English. This means we will be using words in our writing that describe where a person or object is. For example, under the tree the old lady sat and read a book. In maths we will be starting a new topic of fractions and looking at fractions of amounts and objects.


This week in Maths, we will be recapping our calculation knowledge and starting to move on to fractions of amounts. 

This week in English, we will be recapping on fronted adverbials. We will be looking at where (place), how (manners) and when (time) fronted adverbials. 


This week in Year 5, we are looking forward to creating our sturdy, North American shelters during DT. In maths, we are dividing using a formal written method and beginning to use key facts to support our long division strategies. We are focusing on speech punctuation in English.


This week, we will be exploring the effects of natural and renewable energy and the impact they have on the environment. During our Geography lesson, we will be observing the physical and human features of South America and how they are similar and different to the UK. In English, we will be developing our use of figurative language through the use of hyperboles, personification and onomatopoeia. 



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